Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Kind of Gas Ya Got in the Tank?

Think they fill this up with regular?

Why is it we can understand the need for premium fuel in our toys but not in our own bodies?!!

The reason people get fat, sick and die is because they wouldn't know good fuel if it jumped up and bit 'em in the rear end! They also think, to lose weight, and be healthy, you need to eat less food!

Try that the next time you want to drive your car 100 miles but only put enough gas in for a fifty mile drive. Or, what if you decided your car was too heavy, so to lighten it up, you decided to put only one quart of oil in instead of the 5 or 6 required to keep it lubricated?

No guys, health, weight loss, strength, and endurance don't have anything to do with how much you eat as much as they do with what you eat!

If you are one of those people who eat the SAD (Standard American Diet) yes, you might want to consider eating less, before it kills you!

But, if you take the time to learn how your body was designed to operate (every winning drag racer does this, they know every jot and tittle about how their vehicle runs and what it requires to run at it's optimum best) what kind of food it needs and then begin to set new eating and drinking goals for yourself, you'll start burning up the “track” in no time!

My Blog, will teach you the elements of real eating and drinking. It will teach you to “fuel” your body, not clog it up with “sludge”

Obesity is totally related to poor eating habits. Not necessarily because we eat too much, but because we don't know enough about what we should be eating, or why we should be eating it.

I've covered this before, but I think it bears repeating. Your body creates fat to protect your organs from toxic substances you put in it by eating wrong foods.

The body stores toxins in the fat and in your cleansing organs. The Liver, Bladder, and Kidneys. Why do you think Alcoholics die from Sclerosis (rotting) of the liver? Alcohol is a poison. The Liver is trying to keep it from killing you. Alcoholic behavior overloads the Liver and your body creates fat to deal with the overload. Eat and drink the right stuff, and your body wont need the fat. It will get rid of it.

Diets and dieting were created not because they work but because it is the only way to deal with a bad diet. If your fuel is wrong, the old scooter just wont run well. Duh!! Therefore you need to cut back. If the fuel is right, according to engine specs, lookout, it's gonna run like a bandit! Kids, it's not rocket science. Pay attention to what you are putting into your body not how much!

If you are eating the right stuff you can eat all you want. Your metabolism will kick in, your body and mind will operate the way it was designed to operate. You will be healthy and you will lose weight.

Symptoms of toxic overload (wrong fuel):

Headaches, constipation, bloating or gas, heartburn or indigestion, nausea, fatigue, frequent colds or flu, puffiness or dark circles under the eyes, arthritis or painful joints, congestion, shortness of breath, runny nose or sneezing, clogged sinuses, Asthma or Bronchitis, water retention,
dark, cloudy, or strong smelling urine, Hives, rashes, or dry skin, Acne, pimples, mood swings, cellulite, anxiety, fear, nervousness, sleeplessness, depression, confusion or poor concentration.
(Oh, and by the way, if you are working out but not fueling properly, you are headed for a crash, not if, when).

Ask your self, am I suffering from any or all of these symptoms. If the answer is yes . . . you are not running on all cylinders. You aint going to win any races. You're using the wrong fuel.
Come on man, If you'll just think twice you'll be the genius in your family.

Ever hear of “Top Fuel Funny Cars” Want to be like one? Here's how . . .

Begin with realizing, if you're gonna win you got to know what kind of fuel to put in the tank and what kind not to.

It starts with following a few guidelines for eating and drinking.

They are:

I always start tuning my bikes and cars by checking the Owners Manual. There's one for our bodies too, it's called the Bible.

Don't worry so much about how many calories, but whether they are good calories. You've got to put in enough fuel to get you to the finish line.

Take responsibility for your own health. You can't trust anyone elses motives in this age of the “all mighty dollar”

Be knowledgeable about what you eat and drink. Read about nutrition. Read the labels on the foods you eat; You'll be surprised to see just how much poison you're putting in.

Stop letting your taste buds be the only factor in determining what you eat.

Drink at least 2 liters, preferably 4, of filtered water, every day. Water is 70% of who you are. It is also one of the main pathways your body will use to rid itself of toxins.

Stop listening to “Food Marketers” they don't care about your health. They care about your wallet.

Ask yourself the next time you're sick, and go to the Doctor, “Why didn't he/she ask me about what kind of fuel I'm putting in my body?” (Your mechanic does when you take your car or bike in for a tune up.)

Add these foods to your diet:

Whole unprocessed food, You know, the kind that doesn't come in a package, a can, or from the clown at MacDonald's.
Organically grown food
Fresh vegetables
Raw nuts and seeds
Whole and sprouted grains
Fresh fruits
Free Range Poultry
Grass fed Beef, no antibiotics or hormones
Organic, free range eggs (Omega 3)
Plenty of alkaline foods, Green leafy vegetables
Good fats and oils, organic Butter, Extra Virgin Olive oil, Coconut oil, (not margarine or vegetable oils)
Plenty of purified water (not the kind in plastic bottles) Look at the bottom of the bottle, if it has the #7 stamped on it, it means it contains BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole) a carcinogen (cancer causing agent).   BHA is a  petroleum product used as a food preservative and an ingredient in some plastics, typically bottled water and plastic wrap.  If you see BHA on the label of packaged food, put it back, it's poison!
Minimize or avoid stimulants, caffeine and alcohol.

That's a good start guys to getting the right fuel in your tank.

Keep checking my Blog if you really want to win the race!! 

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