Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Keeping it Clean

Lev 20:24  'But I have said to you,    "You shall inherit their land, and I will give it to you to possess, a land flowing with milk and honey."  I am the LORD your God, who has separated you from the peoples.

So how are you feeling?  Full of vim and vigor?  Getting up in the morning raring to go?  Or is lethargy, body aches and pains and a depressed attitude the state of the union?

It's amazing how easily we can diagnose a poorly running car engine.  It generally has something to do with the three fuels required to run an engine properly.  Clean gas, clean air, and  sufficient electricity.  Exchange the word "food" for gas and you have the three things necessary to run our bodies appropriately.

I want to write this blog to share with you some of the things God has taught me (and is teaching me) about being healthy.

(For those of you who don't know, I broke my back and neck in three places 5 years ago.  Due to the medications the Doctors had me taking,  I had to have much of my stomach removed.

Complications from that surgery included Dumping Syndrome and extreme malnutrition.  To put it simply, I was starving to death and was given a prognosis of eminent death, if something was not done immediately.  I only weighed 120 lbs at that point.  I'm 6'2" and weighed 190 lbs prior to my accident.  My mom said I was nothing but skin and bones. From photos I have seen she was right.  One of these days, I will share before and after pics with you so you can see what man did and then what God did.

The first thing I had to come to grips with, if I was going to get my body up and running, was to know and understand that God designed me.  Let me say that again, God designed me!!  I know, this is contrary to science, technology, and the beliefs of most of our Doctors.  But it's true; man didn't emerge from some primordial goo and then spend the next however many millions of years the Doctors would like you to believe trying to figure out how to be healthy.  We have a Maker who tells us how to care for our bodies in His Book.  He made it easy.  We get in trouble when we blindly follow men who proclaim to have the answer.
He created our bodies to heal themselves.  If we will just obey Him in this, we will experience life and that more abundantly!!!  (see Isaiah 1:19)

God asked me this simple question,  "Who knows better how to heal you, your Maker or a man who thinks he knows, but if you asked that same man, he couldn't tell you what will happen tomorrow?"

Doctors, unless they can poison whats wrong with you, cut it out, or prescribe a pill with a list of side effects way more detrimental to you then the malady the pill was prescribed for cannot help you get healthy.  Very few medical Doctors are versed in Nutrition.  If you asked them, they would say something like, "Ah yes, nutrition, I believe I had a course on it in High School."

Guess what, after acknowledging God as my ultimate source for health and after following His very simple instructions,  I have been restored to my optimum weight of 180lbs and I am healthier than I have ever been before!!

How you say;  Well, I quit taking the prescription drugs and started eating the way God says to in His Book.  You know, the Bible.

God has promised to bring us into a land flowing with milk and honey.  I'll start there tomorrow and share with you how God has transformed my life.

There are two concepts,  what we think, and what we eat, that determine who we are.  It's really simple.
It takes learning the discipline of thinking twice.  A man said once,  "If you'll just think twice you will be the genius in your family!"

Much of what we are told about being healthy does not agree with what God says.  Much of what we buy, that is called food, is really just poison and the cause of most of our diseases.  Stress accounts for most of the rest.
You can have health too.  Just listen to what God is saying, and do it.  Just do it!!

So, if getting healthy, losing all that unnecessary body fat, and becoming the man or woman God called you to be is something your interested in, just check in here, I'll share with you what God is saying about it.

See you tomorrow,


  1. Doug and I totally transformed our eating a few years ago and try to stick to the foods GOD created us to eat.

    BTW: I am honored to be your first follower.

    Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

  2. I'm on this road with you...interestingly, the Lord has been showing us the same thing about eating, and I'm now starting to lose weight! It's about taking my mind off of losing and just following what He's showing...and now He's led me here!! Thank you, Darryl, for sharing your heart and God's Word!
