Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beef, it's Good for You, God Said So!

So . . . What's up with Beef?
Is Beef good for you or not?

The quick answer is yes!! Unequivocally YES!!

Is it fattening and does it cause heart disease?

Read On . . . .
. . . And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32

To get some understanding on the Beef issue, we need to go back to our Godly foundation; His word.

In other words, what does God, our Designer, have to say about beef?  

In Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, God CLEARLY says, we may eat any animal that has two characteristics. They must chew the cud and have cloven hooves. Last time I checked, cows fit that description!

Now God, being God, (THE SUPREME BEING), doesn't always tell us why He lets us do some things and not others. Go ahead, just try questioning Him about stuff. Remember when you tried that with your Dad? Bet it didn't work out too well did it?

What we do know about God is that everything He does, concerning us, is for our GOOD. Jesus said, “I came that you might have life and that more abundantly!”

With that, I could end this discussion right here. For some of us, if God said it that's good enough.

But for those of you who may not, yet, acknowledge God, or who need a Beef explanation, I will continue, and tell you what man, thinking he discovered this on his own (Tee Hee), and science (god of the evolutionists) have learned about eating Beef.

Know what? It turns out, science has proven, it's just like God said. If it chews the cud and has a cloven hoof, you can eat it, and it's good for you! We just need to eat Beef that's Designer approved, in the amounts we need. Not the amounts we want.

The definition of Gluttony is eating for gratification. God wants us to eat for health and to fuel our bodies.

Guess what, when we eat for gratification (our way), we get old, fat, sick, and die. When we eat for health and to fuel our bodies (God's way), we maintain proper body weight, we don't prematurely age, our chances of getting sick are greatly reduced, and we live longer, happier, and more productive lives.

How much of a genius do we need to be, to make the right decision?!   Jesus said it this way, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things we seek, will just be added!” Amazing Huh?

Anyway, about beef:

God created man with perpetuity in mind. In other words, when He made us, He made us to function in a non-changeable way. What was true about our digestive system and bodily functions 6000 years ago, is still true today. God made us in His image. He does not change; neither do we.

With this truth in mind, it shouldn't surprise you when you have a craving for a cheese burger.

We were made to eat Beef then, and we're still meant to eat it today!

All meat eating animals have some things in common. One of them is this; meat eaters manufacture Hydrochloric acid in their stomachs. It's there to digest meat. Non meat eating animals do not have the ability to generate Hydrochloric Acid.

Hmm, the first rule of science is that all things being equal, the simplest explanation is probably the truth.

Other meat eaters have hydrochloric acid making capabilities, so does the human animal. By Jove, I believe God intends for us to eat meat! Seems like the simplest answer to me, doesn't it seem that way to you? Elementary my dear Watson!

What has changed, is the quality of the Beef available to us now.

6000 years ago, corporate agriculture, genetic engineering, chemical pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics and hormone injections, designed to up production and profits, did not exist. Our greed has made us stupid, spoiled a God given source of protein, and turned it into a source of disease.

We took an animal designed to eat grass, removed it from pasture, put it in a feed lot, stressed it out of it's mind, fed it the ground up remains of other bovines, and then, we shoot them full of antibiotics to keep their reproductive organs and udders from disease!  Disease caused by the growth hormone we first injected them with.  All that, to speed up production of meat and dairy products just to get the almighty dollar. We're poisoning our food and killing each other to get rich!  How dumb is that?

The Human Body requires 22 essential amino acids to rebuild itself. Yes that's right, God made our bodies to heal themselves and my experience has shown, if I put the right fuel in, my body will do just that. It will heal itself!!

Four years ago, the last Doctor I saw, told me I only had 3 months to live.
I quit taking the 14 different drugs the Doctors had me on, learned to eat right, (Gods Way), rest properly, put Him first in my life, and well, I'm still here and I'm healthy!! God said it would work like that in His Book.  You know what, He wasn't lying!!

Our bodies can make all but 8 of the essential Amino acids we need, from fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and grains. We need red meat, fish, and dairy to get the other 8!  Amino Acids build body organs, muscles and nerves. The body also converts amino acids into proteins to combat invading protozoa, bacteria, and viruses.

If just one of the essential amino acids is missing, the body is not capable of synthesizing the other proteins it needs – no matter how much protein you eat!  Animal proteins are our only complete protein source!

When we don't get the essential amino acids and proteins we need, we begin to lose Myocardial heart muscle, contributing to heart disease.  Healthy Beef doesn't cause heart disease, it helps to prevent it!

Three key amino acids necessary for the health of our brains and nervous systems are methionine, cysteine, and cystine. These are abundant in eggs and red meat (Beef).

So now we've established that eating “properly raised” Beef is good for you (from God's design parameters, and from science) and we know that modern production Beef is not healthy. It's the source of all the disease and death being blamed on the Beef God created.

So, where do we find good Beef and how much should we eat.

I'll cover that in tomorrows “The Way to Health” Blog. I'll also tell you how to make a Cheese Burger that will satisfy your craving and bring health and Gods blessing to your life.

See ya tomorrow. Come hungry!!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Really enjoyed reading this. It also confirms some of my previous observations.
